Big Green Face Mask

It’s been rather frigid here in the Northeast and my skin has been suffering the consequences. My skin looks congested and clogged, and I’ve had a few breakouts. So I made the face mask featured below.



Lemons – are reported to be antifungal and antibacterial. They may also aid in fading acne scars and blemishes.

Cilantro – is filled with antioxidants which help to fight free radicals on the skin. It may also absorb excess oil on the skin.

Ginger – is an astringent and may help to reduce acne.

Rosemary – is reported to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

I combined the following ingredients in a blender.

1/4 cup of water

1/4 Aloe Vera juice


1 tsp of Witch Hazel

1 tsp of Macadamia Nut Oil


Juice of half a lemon (lemon juice should not be left on the skin for extended periods of time and may cause photo sensitivity in some)

1 tsp of grated ginger

1/2 cup of Cilantro

1 tsp of Tumeric

3 Tbsp of French Green Clay


I washed my face then applied the mask. I left it on for 15 minutes and then rinsed off with warm water.


Ingredient of the Month: French Green Clay

Go Green Natural Handmade Soap by Lololi Cosmetics

Go Green Natural Handmade Soap by Lololi Cosmetics

French Green Clay, also known as Sea Clay, is mined from quarries in France. It has a soft, silky texture and a light green color that comes from iron oxides and decomposed plant material (French Green clay should never be white or gray in color). FGC is one of the most commonly used cosmetic clays worldwide because of its effectiveness on the skin. It absorbs and removes impurities, while also stimulating the skin. When used as a mask and left on the skin it can tighten pores leaving skin feeling firm. The clay contains calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, silicon, selenium and other minerals.

For years French Green Clay was produced in France but due to its popularity in the cosmetics industry other areas of the world, such as China and parts of the USA, that have a similar clay also now produce “French” Green clay. FGC is produced at quarries that have been mined for deposits. These deposits can be anywhere from 100 feet to several thousand feet. The clay is then left out in the sun so that excess water can be removed. Next, the clay is processed by hydraulic crushers and then pulverized with fine mesh. It is then left out in the sun one final time to remove any excess liquid.

You can find French Green Clay in our Go Green soap at

Visit our website at to take a look at our soaps and sign up for our newsletter.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkins, photographed in Canada.

Pumpkins, photographed in Canada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As the weather gets colder and the leaves reflect beautiful gold and burgundy we begin to see oddly shaped fruit, often a bright orange color, creep onto store shelves. Pumpkins, native to North America, but now grown in many places around the world, have many uses. They can be made into pies or used as decorations. You can also find pumpkin products in cosmetics, everything from shampoos and conditioners to soaps and enzyme peels.

Pumpkin Seed Oil comes from the common pumpkin. Pumpkins are squash that are high in beta-carotene, antioxidants, and lecithin. Pumpkins contain an enzyme that aids in exfoliation. Pumpkins are also purported to be a mild diuretic.

Pumpkin Seed Oil is high in protein and polyunsaturated fats. It contains the acids palmitic, oleic, erucic, linoleic, linolenic, and stearic. The oil is said to fight fine lines and wrinkles while conditioning the skin.

Pumpkin Seed Oil is a key ingredient in our Go Green soap, which also includes French Green Clay and Rosemary essential oils. This soap will be available soon on